Illamasqua Speckled Nail Varnish Scarce

Illamasqua Speckled Nail Varnish Scarce - $17 / 15ml, 0.5 fl oz

I lack spring color nail polishes, or at least this year's releases, so I treated myself to a little buy. Perhaps I wouldn't consider $17 for a nail polish little. This is the most expensive nail polish I own.

I was at Sephora returning the Philosophy Miracle Worker Retinoid Eye Repair Cream because it irrated my skin. I believe the retinoid was too strong for the delicate eye area. I found myself looking at polishes afterwards. After buying my first glitter polish (Nails Inc. London-Burlington Arcade) I now find myself gravitating towards glitter.

Illamasqua Speckled Nail Varnish Scarce is eye catching in its fine speckled of glitters. Not only does the glitters draw your attention but the pastel spring colors also make you dance with joy. This is a limited edition collection that offers five pastel cream colors: tan, blue, green, pink, and lilac.

I bought Scarce, a pastel pink with blue-gray glitters in various sizes ranging fro micro to 2mm hexagon. The glitters are matte and blend in with the pastel base giving it a dyed Easter egg effect. The formula goes on very smooth even with the glitters - non-streaking. The glitters are surprisingly smooth. I was surprise at how almost opaque the nails look with one coat. 

Overall, I am really impress with Illamasqua nail polish. The formula is super easy to work with. I might just buy the remaining 4 colors to complete the collection seeing as how it's sold out everywhere online. I just hope I don't become a nail junky shelling out big bucks for polishes in the future. Fingers cross.

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