DIY Braided Chain necklace

This is what I made so far with the chains I bought from the jewelry supplies store. Do you like it? I like it a lot. It's a braided chain necklace. I took three strains of chains (2 gold + 1 silver) and simply braided them together. I wanted something short more of a choker. The braided chains measure 17.5 inches. With the claps and lobster claw the necklace measures 18 3/4 inches. When I put it on, the necklace hangs just under my neck line.

This is a close up view of the chains. The chains have textures to them. It's sort of like twisted metal. You can see twisted lines on each of the chain links.

You will need three strains of chains. They can be any color combination of your choice. They can also be all the same color too if you like. I like the contrast of silver on gold. You will also need one chain link like the one on the right.

Take the link on the right in the previous picture and loop it through all the three strains. Do you see the link I'm holding in this picture? It's looped in the three chains. This will act as our starting point. It will help secure the braid in place. It's easier to braid them if you join the three strains together at the start of the chain. That way they don't shift and move around while you braid or else your braid will unbraid while you braid. Does it make sense?

Do you see the loop around the three chains?

Once you are done braiding the chains to the desire length, finish it by repeating what you did at the beginning. Using another single link, join all of the chain together once again. You need to create a start and finish link that will hold the braid in place.

Afterward I took another single gold link and attached it to the starting and ending link. I used one as the claps link for the lobster claw. For the other, I attached the lobster claw to it. It's pretty simple if you get the gist of jewelry making. Just look at any necklace that you own and try to recreate it. Obviously, you need a way to open and close your necklace.

This is how the chains would look like unbraided and braided.

I hope the DIY was understandable. It's not that complicated. Just try to braid you chains strains a few time and you'll quickly figure out how and what needs to be done.

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